Den (concept)

Den is an eco energy company who are developing a state of the art system that lets you control the heating in your home from anywhere in the world via a mobile app.

A full brand identity was required with this brief, including a logo, webpage mockups, and app page mockups as well as advertising for the product. The brief stated that they were trying to appeal to young homeowners and that they had a preference for simple vector icons with gradient styles.

I began by designing the logo with my process mapped out below. Route 1 involved taking apart the word den and reducing it to its simplest form; that of sticks pushed up against one another to create a shelter. I then played around with incorporating features of 'den' into the simple shelter, finally opting for a shape that both represents the ecological nature of the app through the leaf motif and the heating element by showing 3 colours merging to orange; representative of fire. Route 2 explored connections with the home whilst using a warmer gradient, route 3 demonstrated some options circulating around the ecological friendliness aspect of the company and route 4 questioned how the letter 'd' from den could be imposed upon a house vector.

I went for the design from route 1 as it is the logo which I felt met the brief the best. It keeps things simple and represents the elements of the brand through use of colour and symbolic statement.


Marchese Partners


Tipsy Llama Wine Brand Design (concept)